

The Dynamic Web Development Framework for python

other project:

PY Tailwind CSS

Source Code

Access the source code: Xtracto Repository

PYPI: Xtracto on PYPI


Welcome to Xtracto, the innovative web development framework that empowers developers to create dynamic web pages with ease. Xtracto is designed with extensibility, configurability, and reusability in mind, making it the perfect tool for developers who want to streamline their web development process.
This framework is built to work with a custom markup language called pypx
However, you can make webpages/components completely with HTML and use the import feature to compile your pages in the way you wish.
While using the variable parsing feature to simplify development and generation of your pages.

Key Features

Getting Started

To get started you can install this through pypi pip install xtracto
For documentation and examples, refer to the Xtracto Repository

You can find a sample project using XTRACTO and pytailwind found on github at shashstormer/xtracto_website

Community and Support

Join the Xtracto community to share your projects, get help, and collaborate with other developers. You can find us on:
We encourage contributions and feedback. Feel free to open issues or pull requests on the GitHub repository to help us improve Xtracto.


Xtracto is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.