
PY Tailwind CSS

Pure Python Tailwind CSS Parser

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Source Code

Access the source code: pytailwind Repository

PYPI: pyTailwind on PYPI


Welcome to PY Tailwind CSS, a pure Python Tailwind CSS parser that simplifies the integration of Tailwind CSS into your Python projects. Our parser is designed to be lightweight, fast, and easy to use, making it the perfect choice for Python developers who want to leverage the power of Tailwind CSS without leaving their Python environment.

Key Features

Getting Started

To get started you can install this through pypi pip install pytailwind and then

from pytailwind import Tailwind
tailwind = Tailwind()
with open("index.html", "rt") as f:
  html_content =
css = tailwind.generate(html_content)
with open("tailwind.css", 'wt') as f:

For a sample project using pyTailwind through XTRACTO found on github at shashstormer/xtracto_website

Community and Support

Join our community to share your projects, seek help, and collaborate with other developers. You can find us on:

We encourage contributions and feedback. Feel free to open issues or pull requests on our GitHub repository to help us improve pytailwind.


PY Tailwind CSS is released under the MIT License. For more details, see the LICENSE file.